
Discover deeper parts of you

The Journey is an introduction to the type of coaching I offer. It is the opportunity to got in depth quickly and address a key issue that you are struggling with in the moment or something that is preventing you from moving forward in life.

It consists of four coaching sessions that have to be booked within a 6 week period (in-person or online). In these sessions you can expect to do embodiment practices, conscious connected breathwork, shadow work and emotional release.

My approach is a somatic, trauma-informed approach where we will explore sensations and emotions that are in the body. You will be invited to feel more and to tackle head-on the what is within you.

01 — All of you is welcome

The sessions create a safe and supportive environment where all emotions are welcome. You are encouraged to let go of preconceived notions or expectations about what is appropriate or not. I lead you to live what is true for you in the moment regardless of “should be or have to be”.

02 — Shadow work (yes all of you)

the shadow is the self's emotional blind spot - the part the ego does not want to acknowledge - projected as archetypes—or, in a metaphorical sense-image complexes, personified within the collective unconscious; e.g., trickster.

I also love working with parts of the self you might even be unaware of. They allow us to get a better understanding of ourselves as they are present in our collective mind. I love working with projections and archetypes. Understanding what archetype people project on you and which you project on others can greatly improve our daily lives. It allows us to not take things so personally and it also gives us a better perspectives on the unhealthy dynamics that might be present in our lives.

03 — Integration

I give you tools and techniques that you can integrate in your daily practice (or daily life) or use to create a daily practice of connecting to yourself and to your breath. I believe coaching should lead to results in real life. You should be able to tie specific behaviors and attitudes that you now have in your everyday life that are a result of the work we do together .

04 — Introspective Breathwork™

Introspective Breathwork™  specifically involves using the breath as a tool to connect with the body, release stored tension and emotions, and promote healing. By focusing on the physical sensations experienced while practicing breathwork, individuals can become more aware of their body and its responses, learn to regulate their emotions and nervous system, reduce and manage stress and anxiety. It can help you connect with unprocessed and unresolved experiences stored within the body. Often, traumatic experiences or unresolved emotions can become "stuck" in the body, leading to chronic tension and pain. The technique can help you liberate yourself.

Journey Includes:

4 coaching sessions (120min) to be booked within 6 weeks of each other




In-person or Online

“Let me fall if I must fall, the one I will become will catch me.”

~Baal Shem Tov