
Moving upwards into creation

MindKido is at it’s core the union of two concepts: The Mind and Aikido.

Aikido is formed of 3 kanjis or syllables: Ki stands for energy and Do stands for path.

MindKido is all about choosing consciously the path that our energy takes. It unifies concepts from buddhism, sports science, modern and classical philosophy, tantra, my own personal experience and embodiment practices.

It is what I call an instruction manual to your mind. Robin S. Sharma said: “The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master”. Our education system has taught us to fill our mind, but never how to truly harness it’s power and how to use it.

MindKido teaches you to use circuitry of your brain: The hard wired systems that were meant to help your survival. It will teach you how these systems are prone to be taken over by parasitic thoughts and how to transform the negative loops that we are prone to into positive ones.

MindKido is a system I have created from tools I have learned by myself as well as tools I have picked up from different sources. There is nothing “woo woo” about this approach. It is non-dogmatic. Inspiration comes from different wisdom traditions, some of which are religions, but belief in those religions is not required for the tools to work. It is a step by step program, that, if you apply, will teach you to turn your natural negative downward mental loops into upwards, uplifting loops. This is all about overcoming the “default” mode of operation for your thoughts and emotions. It will enable you to become the creator of your life.

01 — Get rid of anxiety loops

Through neurocognitive science we have a better understanding of the adaptative process by which our brains treat the flood of information that is in our environment. This process is prone to generate anxiety. I explain the process by which these loops are created and give you tools to allow yourself to get yourself out of them.

02 — Understand power and agency

What is power? What happens in situations when we feel powerless or like we lack agency? With this program I will show you how to empower yourself in all kinds of situations and ways to analyze situations when you feel powerless so you understand what is happening to you.

03 — Break free of your story

Limiting belief and past experience are part of what prevents a person from realizing their full potential. I help you take control over your inner monologue and become aware of the story you are unconsciously writing.

04 — Create your reality

You have probably heard about manifestation, this is it. I show you how it’s not “woo”. You are already doing it unconsciously. Putting together all the parts of this mind-emotion system allows you to become a conscious creator in your life.

MindKido Includes:

Unlimited chat access via Whatsapp (for coaching)

10 coaching sessions (120min)

1 personal law workshop (180 min)




In-person or Online